We deliver an exciting programme to more than 250 young people aged between 6 and 18 years. Our programme balances adventure with learning, and our young people develop practical skills, self confidence and leadership ability. This translates into responsible, capable and employable young citizens.
We work with young people (boys and girls) between the ages of 6 and 15 introducing them to activities, often outdoors, which they may not normally do at home or school.
We provide a safe environment to ensure the young people in our care have fun as well as learn new skills
Hinchley Wood Scout Group is a successful scout group in the village of Hinchley Wood, near Esher in northeast Surrey. The group has active units for the following age groups: Beavers 6 – 8 years
Cubs 8 – 10½ years, Scouts 10½ – 14 years, Explorers 14 – 18 years, Network 18 – 25 years
Telephone: 020 8398 7769
1st Weston Green (All Saints) Scout Group is one of eleven groups that make up the Esher District Scouts. As well as running our own exciting programme of events, we participate fully in District events, which include annual camps, hikes and cross-country runs. As part of the national Scout Association, our young members can get the chance to participate in events throughout the country and even abroad.
Telephone: 07841 604022
Email: chair@westongreenscouts.org.uk
Local Scout Group for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers
We believe in using the scouting ethos to develop each individual in physical, social, moral and mental growth, this is best achieved by learning through doing, by fostering the leadership potential of every child and by working in teams. We have four sections for young people from 6 – 18 years old.
Scouts is the third section in the scouting family, and is typically seen as the original section. Scouts are typically 10.5-14yrs old.
As an active scout troop, we get up to all sorts of exciting and adventurous activities, both in our regular meetings and on camps and visits.
Abbeyfield Ewell Society was founded in 1962 to provide affordable housing for older people living alone to give them secure. comfortable accommodation, shared housing also meant that those previously living alone had company and formed friendships. We are still providing this service to our residents over 50 years later. We employ several staff to carry out the daily duties but our volunteers provide friendship, company and sometimes practical assistance along with our team of Trustees.
Telephone: 020 8393 0881
Email: info@abbeyfieldewell.co.uk
Abbeyfield Southern Oaks is a registered charity operating on a not-for-profit basis, meaning that rather than having a conventional business owner or shareholders, we use all income for the day-to-day operation and improvement of our retirement living homes. Our aim is simple: to provide the best living options for everyone, whether in our supported or independent living properties.
Telephone: 0208 394 0050
Email: volunteer@abbeyfieldsouthernoaks.org
As the largest charity for people with hearing loss in the UK, we understand how hearing loss can affect everything in your life from your relationships, to your education and your job prospects.
Telephone: 020 7359 4442
Email: Information@hearingloss.org.uk
Action Tutoring unlocks the potential of children and young people who are facing disadvantage. We are tackling the attainment gap head-on by forging partnerships with schools nationwide. Our trained volunteer tutors are empowered to enable pupils to make meaningful academic progress, opening doors to future opportunities
Telephone: 0203 872 5894
Email: volunteer@actiontutoring.org.uk
ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty. We run campaigns to protect the rights of poor people, particularly on issues such as unfair trade, debt relief, food rights and universal access to HIV and AIDS treatment. Leading member of the Disasters Emergency Committee.
Telephone: 01460 238000
Email: supportercontact@actionaid.org
We are a local independent charity established in 1947 to empower older people in the Borough of Epsom & Ewell to live the most fulfilling lives they can. As well as providing a free and confidential Information and Advice Service, we also run a number of other services from transport to befrienders.
Telephone: 01372 732 456
Email: info@ageconcernepsom.org.uk
Age Concern Mole Valley is an independent local charity. We design our services with the needs of the local older population in mind and we look to the local community for support in delivering and developing these services.
Telephone: 01306 899104 / 07534 488209
Email: info@ageconcernmolevalley.org.uk
We are small charity focusing on supporting young adults with learning disabilities to lead fulfilling lives within their local community.
Telephone: 01372 275466
Email: info@aldag.org.uk
Appleby House in Epsom, Surrey, has become known for its innovative approach to dementia care. At our home we treat you like a member of our own family - with care that's tailored to your needs, interests and wishes and delivered with love and respect.
Telephone: 01372739933
Email: manager.applebyhouse@careuk.com
ARTHOUSE Meath is a collective of artists living with complex epilepsy and learning disabilities all of whom require varying levels of support. The artists work alongside instructors to create artworks which are developed into designer products for sale. All artwork derives from the skills each artist brings to the enterprise and every contribution holds real value.
Telephone: 01483 425473
Email: info@arthouseunlimited.org
Ashtead Baptist is a vibrant church. We are a family of people from different backgrounds and ages. Everyone is welcome so come and make yourself at home!
Telephone: 01372202103
Email: office@ashteadbaptist.org.uk
Churches and community of Ashtead welcoming Syrian refugee families into our neighbourhood.
Telephone: 07775798047
Email: ashteadchurchescommunitytrust@gmail.com
B@titude is a shop in North Leatherhead, selling good quality second hand babies and children's clothes, toys, games and equipment. It has evolved into more than a shop over the years and has become a part of the local community.
Telephone: 01372 374666
Email: hello@batitude.org
Babcock Education is the largest integrated service provider for education improvement and support services in the UK.
We offer an extensive network of educational support services for Early Years Providers, Schools, Academies, Multi-Academy Trusts, Local Authorities and Professional Agencies are committed to providing you with high quality education services and support to improve outcomes for children and young people.
We are the National Governing Body for badminton.
Bantu Arts promote African performing arts across the world by providing unique, energetic African entertainment for various occasions.
Telephone: 07886414531
Email: info@bantuarts.org
The Beeches is a residential home for older people, some with memory loss. We are committed to providing all of our customers, whatever their needs, with exactly the right level of care and support. We understand that people value their independence and so we encourage them to choose how their care is planned and delivered.
Telephone: 0800 085 4281
We are a Community Primary School with a nursery for children aged 3 to 11. We have beautiful grounds, wraparound care and offer an amazing extracurricular programme as well as forest school.
Telephone: 01932 224 009
Email: info@bell-farm.surrey.sch.uk